Welcome to my Patreon!

What is Patreon?

Patreon is a sort of membership site created to support artists and creators. In general, creators ask for support from people who follow them in exchange for some sort of learning or community opportunity.

Why am I starting a Patreon page?

I have been running Change the Shed, my free YouTube program, for five years now. I have greatly enjoyed the opportunity to share tapestry tips for free in live video format a couple times a month and the back catalog of over 140 episodes has become a place for people to learn about tapestry weaving for free.

I have had many committed donors contribute to keep this program running over the years, but it isn’t enough to allow me to continue offering this program going forward. Patreon is a good way for me to continue to offer the broadcasts for free on YouTube and offer many more benefits on Patreon for paid subscribers. It is also another way to build a tapestry community off of social media.

Below is a video with a little bit about what you’ll find on Patreon.

What are the benefits of becoming a Patron?

The chief benefit of supporting me in this way is knowing that you’re supporting an artist and educator who is committed to making sure tapestry weaving stays alive as an art form and strives to make it accessible to anyone who wants to try their hand at it.

I’ll start by saying that you can join for free. There are some free posts and that gives you a chance to see what it is all about without paying for anything at all. Just knowing the free members are there and interested is a support all in itself. This is also how you’ll see the show notes for Change the Shed as I won’t be putting those on my website any more.

Further benefits depend on what tier you sign up for. You can find all the details right on Patreon, but in short, the first tier is one that supports Change the Shed and allows me to continue offering this program free on YouTube. I think it is important that there is tapestry information out there for people who don’t have the resources to take lots of workshops or classes and so I continue to offer this program for free. Becoming a Patron at the first tier allows that to continue and I’ll be offering some behind the scenes about Change the Shed as well as an occasional extra episode just for Patrons.

The second tier is a place you can see behind the curtain of a working tapestry artist. I’ll be sharing my work for an upcoming show including photos, text, and videos about my process. You’ll be able to ask questions about it there and we will do an occasional live Q&A type meet-up just for those Patrons. I won’t be sharing this work on social media, so if you want to see my progress on this new body of work, Patreon is the place to see it!

The third tier is for people who are so committed to my work they want to support me at a higher level. These are the people who get my undying gratitude and probably a personal holiday card!

No matter the tier, thank you for supporting me in this way.


Can I sign up for free?

Yes! There are a few posts that are free and I’ll be adding those from time to time. Most of the content will be behind the paywall but the Change the Shed episodes will remain free on YouTube.

I’ve lost the link to your Patreon… Help!

You can always find my Patreon by going here: https://patreon.com/user?u=3207609

How am I billed and can I unsubscribe?

Patreon will continue to charge your credit card every month until you unsubscribe. This is a subscription product, so make sure to watch those charges if you are ready to unsubscribe. I hope you find the content useful and fun and that you won’t unsubscribe, but sometimes life forces other choices and if you need to unsubscribe, you can do that through your profile on Patreon.

Will you keep offering behind the scenes of your personal work after your show next year?

Though I don’t have a crystal ball, I suspect I will continue this program offering valuable behind the scenes peeks at my own work for Tier 2 and 3 members. I will certainly continue Tier 1 and the Change the Shed extras including behind the scenes posts about those projects.

A little history

Here is the trailer I made on March 26, 2020 as I was starting Change the Shed. As of January 2025, there are over 140 episodes. You can find the playlist HERE on YouTube or choose specific episodes from my website pages HERE.