UPDATE August 2022: This workshop was originally run live in June of 2022. I do not know when I’ll run this live again, so the price has dropped and you can register and watch the recording from the class. Feel free to ask questions in the course. I’m always monitoring people’s questions and am happy to answer your questions about tapestry looms!
Choosing a tapestry loom can feel difficult. It is hard to know what is out there and then to settle on one you can afford but that will also do what you want it to do. (And it is entirely possible you’re not sure what you need it to do and I can help with that too.) In this 2-hour workshop I’ll talk about what sorts of looms work well for tapestry weaving and show you a range of tapestry looms including non-tensioned frame looms, tensioned frame looms, and looms with beams. We’ll discuss why particular looms are best for some projects and not great for others as well as other concerns such as where in the world they’re available, what yarns you can use on them, and price.
The workshop comes with an online class. Not only will you get to ask questions in the live portion of the workshop, but there are resources, a recording, further videos, and maybe best of all, a place to ask questions in the future. The class is yours for as long as you want to use it and you can come back to it over and over as you learn more about tapestry and tapestry looms and have more questions.
Cost for the recorded version of the class which is the only one currently available is $39.
Who is the workshop for?
This workshop is for anyone who has questions about tapestry looms. It is geared for people who are newer to tapestry weaving but is also appropriate to people who have been using just one sort of loom for their weaving and want to expand the types or size of looms they’re working on. I will be showing you actual looms to include tensioned and non-tensioned frame looms and I will have images of larger beamed looms (both horizontal and vertical). Any type of loom question you have is fair game.
Preparation for the workshop
Bring your questions about any looms you own or are considering for tapestry to the workshop. You will have an opportunity to ask these questions ahead of time in the course platform so that I can make sure to have answers. But if you forget to do this, you can ask in the live course and I’ll tell you what I know or give you some guidance to make a decision yourself.
Bring your questions, quiet your phone, tell your family you’re in a meeting, and set aside these 2 hours to focus on tapestry weaving. Otherwise there is nothing you need to do to prepare.
Interaction/questions after the workshop is finished
We will be using my online course platform, Pathwright, to communicate during and after the course. This is also where you’ll find the recordings and other information after the workshop is finished. You have access for as long as you want it. You can also use the platform to communicate with other students about course information now and in the future. You can always find your course at this link: https://rebeccamezoff.pathwright.com/library/
The loom line-up
I will be talking about all kinds of looms from simple peg and slot looms (such as the Schacht peg looms, Handywoman Shop loom and others) to tensioned frame looms (such as the Mirrix looms, C. Cactus Flower loom, Schacht Arras, and others). I’ll also talk about larger looms with beams, both horizontal jack, countermarche, and counterbalance looms and upright tapestry looms such as the Tissart, LeClerc Gobelin, and the Ruthie. I will also talk about looms that you can make yourself for very little money using pipe you can get at your local hardware store. Plans to make such a loom will be included in the class materials.
By registering for this class you understand that the live Zoom class will be recorded and if you ask a question, your voice or your face if your video is on may end up in the recording which will be available for students to watch who are currently registered and for students in the future. I do not include names on Zoom recordings though you’ll see them in the live event and most of the recording will be me and my demonstration, not student’s faces.
A copper pipe loom that you can make yourself is a good option for a tapestry loom. The other loom pictured is the Mirrix Saffron Pocket loom.