I had the privilege of jurying a fiber show in Fort Collins this month. The show was Fiber Celebration, a long-standing show run by the Northern Colorado Weavers Guild. This was the show's 42nd year.
There was a gallery talk on Wednesday along with the awards presentation. This is not a large show and the award list was long. But though it was difficult to choose the awards, it speaks to the dedication of community members and businesses that they continue to donate award money, coupons, and support.
One thing I touched on in my gallery talk was that cloth comes closely on the heels of food in the heirarchy of human needs. Fiber is such a big part of our lives that I think we mostly take it for granted. I think this is at the root of the struggle fiber has had being recognized in the art world. Well, that and the association of fiber with "women’s work".
The show presented a wide range of fiber techniques and it was interesting to consider them next to each other. I talked some about entering shows, encouraging people to work on good craftsmanship, developing design and ideas, and for goodness sake to get good photographs.
Here are a few images from the show. It is open through August 6th, so head on over to the Community Creative Center before then.
Another marvelous tapestry by Michael Rohde, Golden
Juggling Flock
Natalie Novak, International Feathers
Kevynne Layne's tapestry Joy
Sandra Rude, Time Flies, jaquard weaving
Rebecca Smith, Falling in Place
Terry Olson, The Milk Maid and the Boss, detail, tapestry
Kevynne Layne, Joy, tapestry detail