Update on 3/24/20: Due to COVID-19, ATA announced today that the physical show in Tennessee during Convergence will not happen. However, they will hold an online show and will still print a catalog. Please do not mail your tapestry. I encourage you to still enter so that we can see everyone’s work online. Everyone who enters will receive a catalog.
The American Tapestry Alliance (ATA) puts on an unjuried small format show every two years. It is always displayed alongside the Handweavers Guild of America’s big event, Convergence. In 2020, Convergence will be in Knoxville.
ATA has announced this year’s show. The title is Renditions 2020 and all the information about it can be found HERE.
This is my favorite ATA show just because the diversity of submissions is so outstanding. It is a really fun show to see in person, so make sure if you’re at Convergence in Knoxville in the summer of 2020 that you go and see it! And if you live close enough, it is worth the drive to see this show.
The last two ATA unjuried show catalogs from 2018 and 2016.
Group Entry: Rebecca Mezoff’s Tapestry School
This show is a great one for group entries. I’d like to do a group entry of people who have taken any online class or in-person workshop or retreat with me over the last decade. It would be fun to have a group of us displaying our work together. This means that ATA will hang them together and that the entries will be grouped in the catalog next to a short description of our group.
The group title which will be displayed in the catalog will be:
Tapestry Translations: Stories from Around the World
We are a diverse group and I wanted our works to both reflect the title of the show, Renditions, and the diversity of the people who have participated in my tapestry school. Whether you’re from Madison, WI or Barcelona, Spain, you have stories to tell in yarn. Let’s tell them together!
When you register for the show, there is a box that says “Group Challenge Information.” In that box you will type:
“Rebecca Mezoff’s Tapestry School. Tapestry Translations: Stories from Around the World”
That is the only way your tapestry will be included with the group in the show and the catalog.
This is the box in which you’ll type the group information. You won’t see all of it at once!
Important note: When you go to register, you’ll see that you need to have already woven the piece and that the final photo must be uploaded. This saves the volunteer crew at ATA time. Remember that the tapestry must be RECEIVED by March 31, so it is time to get weaving!
If you want to participate, here are your next steps.
Design and weave a tapestry no larger than 10 x 10 x 1 inches.
Photograph said tapestry following the guidelines on the submission page.
Enter your submission which includes putting in the Group name as described above and uploading your photo. (There have been concerns about how to size photos appropriately. I’ll put up a blog post in the new year about how to do this.)
Pay for your submission which includes return shipping after the show.
Also, please understand that this group entry is only for people who have participated in my school. That means you’ve taken an online course from me or been in a workshop or retreat. If you haven’t done so, it isn’t too late to sign up for one of my online classes and get into the group. If you haven’t taken a class from me, you can still enter this show with an individual entry!
An example of TWINE’s group entry page in the catalog from the 12th unjuried show in Reno in 2018.
Here are a few photos from the Providence, RI show in 2016. You can find more HERE. (Click to enlarge photos, hover for captions.)
Have questions about the group entry or this show? Put them in the comments!
Rebecca Mezoff, Blue, 7 x 5 inches. This was my entry for the 12th unjuried show in Reno in 2018.