Sarah Swett and I are doing another free webinar on Saturday, July 20th at 11am Mountain (that is 10 am Pacific, 1pm Eastern).
You do need to register so I know how many virtual seats to reserve. You can do that here:
Rebecca Mezoff, four-selvedge tapestry
We’ll be showing you what four selvedge mischief we’ve been up to in the last year, what new ideas we have, and we’ll be answering your questions (so put them in the comments below!).
Fringeless has been one of the best things I’ve had the pleasure of being part of in the last year. The amazing things that students have made, the fun I’ve had working with Sarah, and the inspiration for my own work have all been marvelous.
What are your questions about tapestry and four-selvedge weaving for Sarah or Rebecca? Put them in the comments below to get us started. We’ll put together a presentation addressing as many as we can and we’ll entertain questions during the live event as well.
Some of the work done in the class can be seen on THIS page of my website.