I’m pretty sure most how-to book* authors don’t go on book tours, but a gal can dream. After two solid years of writing and editing, it does seem like a book tour would be fun. I am pretty sure I would be tired of it in about a week, so perhaps it is better that I’m not the next Margaret Atwood.
Due to COVID there won’t be any in-person book events at all for the foreseeable future, but I am doing some virtual events to celebrate my book launch. The publication date is Tuesday, November 3rd. I’m hoping those of you in the USA see it as a positive event on an otherwise fraught day instead of remembering that my book dropped on Election Day 2020. Thanks for helping me with that mental restructuring. The book was supposed to be released on October 27th, but it missed the arrival date in the warehouse and got pushed back a week and I’m still having a bit of a hard time syncing my book release (a happy thing!) with Election Day (a huge unknown). There are people who are getting the book delivered early and if you’re one of the lucky ones, I hope you’re enjoying it.
Launch events: Come to my party!
I’m viewing the launch events as a bit of a celebration, a way for you to ask questions, and a time for me to tell a few short stories about the making of the book. You’re all invited.
Registration is required so that I can make sure I have enough seats, but feel free to invite anyone you’d like. The two events listed below will be virtually the same. I’m offering two to accommodate people with different schedules and in different places in the world.
Tuesday, November 3, 11 am Mountain**
Zoom webinar: You can register HERE.
This IS Election Day in the USA, so if you have not voted before this time on this day, please go vote instead and come to my talk on Saturday. ^
Saturday, November 7, 4 pm Mountain
Zoom webinar: You can register HERE.
There is more information about the book on this page of my website: https://rebeccamezoff.com/the-art-of-tapestry-weaving including a 3-minute video about the book.
And more information about other launch events over the next few months on this page: https://rebeccamezoff.com/book-launch
The last day of the photoshoot, a few last images. The Art of Tapestry Weaving.
“The fiber arts are perennially popular, but weaving is not as widely practiced, and tapestry weaving is a specific subset that may appear even more impenetrable. To be sure, tapestry weaving is a particular art form with lots of jargon and is not as easy for a beginner to pick up as, say, knitting or crochet. Tapestry weaving looms come in several varieties, each with its own benefits, and it may be difficult for a beginner to know how to choose even the most basic equipment to start with. The advantage of this book is that it lays out all the details and techniques in an almost curricular way, so that readers feel as though they are taking a class taught by a master. A historical overview includes the many cultures in which tapestry weaving is traditional, and provides readers with a grounding in the art form and significant artists. The high level of detail in the explanations of everything from equipment to materials to techniques makes this book a must-have for the aspiring tapestry weaver.”
It is not too late to pre-order the book. Pre-orders help the life of a book tremendously, so if you haven’t ordered it yet, any day before November 3rd counts as a pre-order. Thank you to all of you who have already ordered the book!
*Sometimes also known as DIY books. I’m okay with it.
**That daylight savings thing happens again and I can never remember if we’re in MST or MDT, but whichever it is, I’m on the same time as Denver, CO. I did try to nail down the answer to this, but even Google seems confused. I believe that we will be on MST starting November 1, but maybe just safest to sync your time with Denver, CO using a time converter.
^Voting is more important and I refuse to be the reason you did not exercise your right and duty as a citizen of the United States of America. Your voice matters. And if this event gets you to take advantage of early voting, that is even better!