A fleece followed me home... wool fumes overwhelmed me

A fleece followed me home... wool fumes overwhelmed me

Last week I took a two-day workshop with Maggie Casey as part of the Estes Park Wool Market. All in all I spent four days up in Estes Park immersed in wool, sheep, yarn, and making. By Sunday afternoon I found myself driving down Big Thompson canyon with a huge smile on my face, wool fumes from the four fleeces in the backseat wafting around me. Even dodging the tourists stopped in the middle of the narrow, winding, road to look at bighorn sheep didn’t penetrate the wool bliss.

I love diving into materials. And wool is a material that can do so much. I didn’t know this until I learned to spin.

Steaming small tapestries: Questions from The Art of Tapestry Weaving

Steaming small tapestries: Questions from The Art of Tapestry Weaving

What do you do after your tapestry comes off the loom? There are many ways to finish a tapestry, but my favorite thing to do is steam it.

The finishing chapter in my book, The Art of Tapestry Weaving, talks about using steam as the final finishing of a tapestry (see page 265). Recently, students in a couple different online classes have asked me for a video showing how I do this, and so this blog post was born..

Retreating to the mountains for sketch tapestry... with 11 new friends

Retreating to the mountains for sketch tapestry... with 11 new friends

I spent last week at one of my favorite places. I haven’t been to Colorado State University’s Mountain Campus since 2019 due to Covid. It was high time I went back. I do go hiking in this area outside of Fort Collins fairly often and have seen the campus from trails above many times since 2020. It felt great to move back into a cabin and teach in the lodge.

The campus is largely used by environmental and forestry students for summer study. They also have a small conference center where I hold tapestry retreats. The property is at 9,000 feet elevation surrounded by high peaks of the Mummy Range and is just a few miles as the trail goes from the border of Rocky Mountain National Park. I love spending part of each of my teaching day wandering the trails, watching moose, birds, and other creatures in the forest and river, and seeing the stars at night.

This year’s retreat was about sketch tapestry. We wove small tapestries based on things we were either experiencing on campus or some students worked from images of other places they brought along. There was frequent laughter, many discoveries, and a lot of tapestries were woven.

Sketch tapestry free mini-course!

Sketch tapestry free mini-course!

Summer is coming. I’m sure of it mostly because it is raining and not snowing here in Colorado now. I love taking whatever time I can in the summer and heading to the mountains with my notebook and a loom. I’ve been talking about my practice of sketch tapestry on this blog for many years now. I make small tapestries about something I’ve seen or experience. I find that the practice of really looking at something and then weaving about it makes me pay attention instead of just rushing blindly through life. The inspirations I’ve woven something about are things that I remember months and years later.

Get the free mini-course about sketch tapestry in this blog post!

Heaven is where yarn is made.

Heaven is where yarn is made.

I taught at Harrisville Designs last week and had a wonderful time. I wrote more about it on the blog this week (link in bio). I haven't taught that much since my book came out in late 2020 due to Covid and it is really fun to see a copy on all the student's tables as well as all over the @harrisvilledesigns retail shop.

The workshop was called Learning to See Like a Tapestry Weaver. It was a techniques class where we looked at applying the techniques we were practicing to our weaving. Of course we could have used another few weeks and perhaps in the future I’ll pick just one technique to focus on for a bit.

Begin with the end in mind. Header and finishing choices in tapestry weaving

Begin with the end in mind. Header and finishing choices in tapestry weaving

Have you heard the saying, start with the end in mind? It definitely applies to tapestry weaving when you’re making decisions at the beginning of a tapestry. There are many things to decide and the equipment and materials you currently have might make some of them for you.

For example, the loom you choose might dictate how you can display your work. If you have only very short looms*, you may not be able to finish your tapestry with a braided edge because you don’t have enough extra warp to allow that. A longer loom might allow you to use that finishing technique.

Blog-o-versary | Fifteen years of blogging about tapestry weaving

Blog-o-versary | Fifteen years of blogging about tapestry weaving

How ever did I get to fifteen years on this blog? I suppose one week at a time is how that happened. I started the blog on April 20, 2008 and that makes it 15 years today.

What on earth have I talked about for fifteen years? The digital pages have been full of stories relating to tapestry weaving and now and then a peek inside other parts of my life. Remember the skunk house when I lived in southern Colorado? Or the Colorado Trail thru-hike in 2022? Those weren’t very tapestry related, but I found them fun to write about. There have been knitted creatures and all sorts of fiber-filled adventures along the way.

The blog is also full of useful information if you’re a tapestry weaver. I’ve talked about yarn and looms and technique and design and that is my primary goal in continuing to write it, creating a resource for information about tapestry weaving.