I've spent a lot of time this year messing about with four selvedge warping for tapestry. I really love to do small pieces this way especially because the piece comes off the loom without any edge finishing. There is just something about four finished edges.
I'm currently on a working vacation* in Utah while Emily attends a conference. I brought along a few looms including my galvanized pipe loom. Yesterday we took a hike to the top of a nearby peak and I started this weaving as a little diary of the trip.**
Four selvedge diary piece, Snowbird, UT
Four selvedge tapestry weaving, Snowbird, UT
The thing I didn't pack? A good task light. I was weaving in the dark while watching this Netflix show and made some grievous value errors. Ah well. It is just a diary piece. Next time either the blue will be darker or the rocks will! The slanted layers of rock here are fascinating to me. The eccentric weaving at the bottom of the weaving above came from those rocks.
Sarah Swett and I created an online class describing this technique and it'll be ready for all of you July 9th. (Registration opens June 25th but the course content will NOT open until July 9.) There is an early bird discount for those of you ready to jump in on June 25th! Find more information on my website HERE. And watch the new trailer below.
* "Working vacation". Makes me cringe a little bit as I think one should just go on vacation and not bring work along. But there was a conference in a beautiful place and I had work to do and so I brought the work along and got some hiking in also. Not a horrible concept when you're self-employed as long as you actually take a real vacation sometime!
**Yes. That supplemental warp does come in white. Not sure why I grabbed the orange though it does offset that blue, doesn't it?