France Tapestry Tour 2019, Episode 9, Aubusson Day 2

In the continuing video blogs of my trip to France, this is episode 9.
The second day we were in Aubusson was a national holiday. But the museums were open so we were able to visit the Cité International Museum of Tapestry. This museum seems to go by several different names. But while in Aubusson I mostly heard it and it’s administration of tapestry commissions in the area referred to as “the Cité.”

In the video blog below I talk about being recognized on a back street from my Instagram feed, seeing some wonderful tapestries including the Tolkien tapestries at the Cité International Museum of Tapestries, and there are some video clips of other favorite tapestry experiences. Enjoy it!

Aubusson was a wonderful city. I enjoyed climbing to a clock tower above the roofs a little bit for a view of all the interesting textures created by the old buildings.

There are a few more video blogs left. Stay tuned!

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