“Don’t try to be me, be you.
Is that what I’ve been doing with tapestry all these years? ... figuring out how to weave like me.”
Sarah Swett and I had a fun online event on Saturday where we chatted about four selvedge tapestry and our recent practice in general. Below is the replay of that event as well as some links and references we weren’t able to answer during the broadcast.
Notes from the recording:
I talked about shaped four selvedge tapestry a little bit and you can see how the warp looked for that curved tapestry in this blog post: https://rebeccamezoff.com/blog/2017/4/16/the-weaving-i-did-at-hambidge?rq=four%20selvedge
Line Dufour’s long-standing and on-going community tapestry project, Fate, Destiny, and Self-Determination can be found here: https://www.linedufour.com/fate-destiny-self-determination
The book Sarah referred to is The Coptic Tapestry Albums by Nancy Arthur Hoskins.
Michael Rohde talked about the small pipe looms he makes. He travels with them and teaches wedge weave classes on them. You can find his website here: http://www.michaelrohde.com/.
We talked about learning from Archie Brennan and Susan Martin Maffei and their websites are here: http://www.brennan-maffei.com/; http://www.susanmartinmaffei.com/
The wool warps were: Brown Sheep singles, Halcyon Yarn used to carry a nice 2-ply wool warp, Burnham and Company in Arizona might carry some Navajo warp (from the photo it looks like the Brown Sheep warp to me).
We refer to the last webinar which was in November of 2018 and you can watch it HERE.
The paper Sarah uses for her little books is this one: Rives BFK Lightweight printmaking paper
Obviously you’re reading my blog right now, but make sure to also follow Sarah’s at https://www.afieldguidetoneedlework.com/
“I didn’t know what I needed to know until I did it.”