The small format samples and pieces sure pile up faster than my big pieces. I'm lucky if I get one very large piece done a year. But these little guys just multiply like rabbits. There seem to be stacks and stacks of them now.
Last week I did this sample for the Weaving Tapestry on Little Looms online class. It was a test run for the new pipe loom as well as a demo for the new class. It is about three inches square at 8 epi. I was so pleased with this little pipe loom. It is solid and just the right size for a lap. I predict it and it's soon-to-be-made friends will get a lot of use.
The section about weaving curves produced this bright thing. When shooting video, it is very helpful if the colors I weave with are fairly light. Otherwise it is difficult to see what I'm doing in the video. This does go against my instincts to pick darker valued colors that blend. This little piece turned out to be an especially glaring example... my friend Barb gave me a bunch of Harrisville Shetland she no longer needed lately and it works perfectly at 12 epi. These were the lightest value colors I could lay my hands on quickly. They're kind of fun, right?
That eccentric outline for curves is one of my favorite things to weave.
Here is another one. It was woven with the singles yarn I use from Harrisville, but I'm thinking about doing a version with handspun.
Rebecca Mezoff, Pickin' curves, 3 x 5 inches, tapestry
And this little one I wove while teaching at Penland.
Rebecca Mezoff, Penland Landscape, 3 x 5 inches, tapestry
Goodness I'm having fun with these little looms. My poor big countermarche has been sadly neglected for a few weeks now!
Details on the Weaving Tapestry on Little Looms class
You can sign up for updates and see the trailer HERE.
The class opens on November 1. I am offering early-bird pricing of $79 for the month of November. The price will increase to $129 December 1st, so don't miss the deal! The class comes with "forever" access*. There is more information, a FAQ section, and a materials list on THIS page of my website. Hope to see you in the class next week!
* FOREVER is in quotes because I can guarantee that I will not live forever. I'm in my 40s and plan to be weaving and teaching online for decades to come. But if you're 20 years younger than me, the class may not outlive you. Just saying.