I had grand plans yesterday. It was a beautiful day in Fort Collins--mid-80s and sunny. We are trying to go hiking on Sundays and it seemed the perfect day to do so. I love to hike high until the snow flies, so we headed up to a trailhead I had been at just a few days earlier with a friend from Michigan.
I should have known that my dreams of a high-altitude weaving session were going to be foiled. On my hike with my friend Peggy on Thursday, it was cloudy and rainy and at Emmaline Lake, it started snowing. And since it is
I fear the high-altitude hiking season is coming to an end. I will hope for a reprieve in September as I have two nights reservation at a high camp in Rocky Mountain National Park late in the month. But I won't hold my breath.
Needless to say, I should have expected it to be cold yesterday. Sunny and warm at 5,000 feet elevation does not a nice day make at 11,400.
I had packed my loom and some handspun hoping to get a few needed photos, but alas, this was all I could manage. The loom has naught but warp on it still.
I must say that one thing did please me mightily. Any day that I can go into Rocky Mountain National Park and not see another soul (besides Emily of course) is a very good day. Either they were all outfitted with invisibility cloaks or I found my secret back entrance.
This sign says Comanche Peak Wilderness, but you can hardly see it since the wind has blasted the letters off.
High altitude hiking is awesome!
And lastly, this is what is happening to the aspens at about 9-10,000 feet. Did I mention that it is still August? And this little squirrel flashed past us and into this hole in the tree. He was adorable, but not at all happy we were standing there trying to take his picture. Emily left him a cashew as payment for his modeling.
This is Emmaline Lake where Peggy and I hiked Thursday. Shortly after I took this photo, it started snowing and we had to get a move on.