Ten years ago today I started this blog. It hardly feels like that long. It began as a way to encourage myself to focus on tapestry weaving as a vocation while I was still working in health care. Through the blog I've discovered a vibrant community of weavers and people interested in fiber art. This community has been instrumental in my development as an artist and a lover of yarn.
Today I'm a full time artist and educator and I get to spend all day every day working on something related to tapestry weaving.
“A longing for excitement can be satisfied without external means within oneself: For creating is the most intense excitement one can come to know.”
The longer I weave, the more enchanted I become by questions offered by this art form: the fascination with each little bit of yarn that gets put together to build an image. Fiber manipulated in a way that expresses a feeling or idea and the moment to moment engagement with the process. The act of tapestry weaving has the ability to engage my mind and attention in a way that few other things do. It is a mindfulness practice and a joyful yarn dance.
Of course it is also snarled skeins and messed-up dye pots. But those are Learning Experiences and the next try usually brings success.
Rebecca Mezoff, Lifelines, 24 x 72 inches, wool and cotton tapestry
The blog has been a way to mark this journey from fiber dabbler to full-time practitioner.
2013: Squeezing in some weaving time at my studio in Santa Fe in the early morning before going to my job as a pediatric occupational therapist. I know because of the polo shirt.
I want to express my gratitude to all of my readers for a decade of your attention. I hope that my musings have at times been helpful or at least a bit entertaining.
Onward for ten more!