
Thirteen years: It's a teenager!

Thirteen years: It's a teenager!

Tuesday was my blog-o-versary of thirteen years. Though it seems like a silly thing to celebrate, the blog was the start of where I am today. It was a wild idea I had one day and a free Blogger blog became a way to test ideas about tapestry weaving. The very first post was about a tapestry called This Time I Dance which was purchased by my partner’s ex. You never know where you’ll find a customer!

But dance I have, ever since. The blog has become a place to explore writing about tapestry weaving and a few other whacky ideas mostly having to do with fiber, though there are some live skunks and knitted chickens in there. As I started teaching tapestry weaving, it became a way to communicate with students about things I was teaching but also about things I was learning. The journey never ends and perhaps the blog never will either.

Twelve years. Blog-o-versary

Twelve years. Blog-o-versary


That is the number of years I’ve been writing this blog. I have enjoyed being here every week. I am a natural journaler and to some extent, the blog is an extension of that. I have used it to talk about whatever fiber-related thing was going on in my world—and maybe a few more chickens than you all might have liked. It has also been a place to give you information about tapestry techniques I am asked lots of questions about, and perhaps this is one of its most useful functions. I’ve written posts about looms and sett and yarn and that helps me too because when I get an email asking about one of those things, I can just send you to the blog.*



The blog began eleven years ago, April 20, 2008.

I started it on Blogger before I had any thoughts of ever teaching tapestry much less making weaving my whole career.

I moved the blog to my website years later and though it could use a good going over with an eye to fixing links and making a better tagging system, it is one long glorious song about the joy of making things.

Occasionally someone will write me and say they sat down and read the whole thing from the beginning. I like to think maybe they had the flu and had inexplicably run out of unread books and Harry Potter movies. But maybe it is just the sign of someone who starts a project and decides to see it through to the end. That seems like a trait a tapestry weaver would have. Plus there is a lot of good stuff in there though it is mixed with a lot of goofiness.

Ten years of blogging about tapestry weaving

Ten years of blogging about tapestry weaving

Ten years ago today I started this blog. It hardly feels like that long. It began as a way to encourage myself to focus on tapestry weaving as a vocation while I was still working in health care. Through the blog I've discovered a vibrant community of weavers and people interested in fiber art. This community has been instrumental in my development as an artist and a lover of yarn.

Today I'm a full time artist and educator and I get to spend all day every day working on something related to tapestry weaving.